Jumat, 03 Juli 2020

Aplikasi Penambah Followers Instagram

Penambah Followers Instagram

Click the button below to download

Click 2x for download

Additional Information
Package Name: com.mobiversite.lookAtMe
File Size: 9.3 MB
Version: 2.4

This application is great for increasing followers on your social media. In this app we can later see who unfollowed us, see new followers, see who most often likes our posts, who most often comments on our posts, who just banned our ig accounts, and who follows us but never like / comment.

Followers Analytics lets you know who is following and unfollowing you. You can compare likes and other information with other users, you can see who stopped following you. Get the metrics about repost. Watch and resend story. A powerful Analytics tool for Instagram.

Analytics Followers functions like an assistant for instant followers and stops following you. You can find out followers who blocked you.

Likes for Instagram and comments for Instagram are other great features of Follower Analytics. Find out the hottest hashtags for your posts. We don't show who is viewing your profile. Instagram does not provide such features.

1. This application is not affiliated with Instagram.
2. Re-uploading picture or video stories is not recommended, please ask the owner for approval.
3. Any reposting of unauthorized content and / or violation of intellectual property rights is the user's responsibility.

Kamis, 02 Juli 2020

APK Dunia Games v2.0.1.3

Dunia Games Apk v2.0.1.3

Click the button below to download

Click 2x for download

Additional Information
Package Name: id.co.duniagames 
File Size: 12.1 MB

Selamat datang di Dunia Games
Dunia Games adalah portal berita yang paling terpercaya di Indonesia yang memiliki info terbaru tentang video game, industri gaming, E-Sports, tech, dan pop culture.

Platform yang dibuat untuk gamer
Berita terupdate, livestream, dan banyak konten yang bisa kamu peroleh di Dunia Games. Berbabung bersama Dunia Games akan memperoleh pengalaman bermain gaming tiada duanya.

Komunitas Game
Anda bisa bertemu atau mencari teman di Dunia Games. Terhubung langsung, dan berkomunikasi bersama kelompok gamer.

E-Sports Platform Milikmu
Rancanglah suatu turnamen dan buat sendiriE-Sports mu. Bangun komunitasmu dengan plaform Kreator di turnamen Dunia Games.

Tempat publisher dan game creator
Cari teman gaming di Dunia Games. Jalinan hubungan dan komunikasi bersama kelompok gamer lainnya. Bantu komunitas Dunia Games dan bangun komunitas gaming yang lebih luas.

Minggu, 21 Juni 2020

Jumat, 19 Juni 2020

Aplikasi Kasir Free Android v3.32.0-build.4

Qasir Apk v3.32.0-build.4
Click the button below to download

Click 2x for download

Additional Information
Package Name: com.innovecto.etalastic 
File Size: 15.7 MB
Version: 3.32.0-build.4 

Qasir is a completed, fundamental and free online agent or Point of Sales (POS) structure. Arranged for making MSME less difficult to keep up a business by giving advancing numbers, recording of stocks, planning shops and laborers, etc. A firm report is relied on to screen business conditions and business scale development.

Rabu, 17 Juni 2020

Aplikasi Inshot Editor Video v1.640.273

Inshot APK v1.640.273
Click the button below to download

Click 2x for download

Additional Information
Package Name: com.camerasideas.instashot
File Size: 31.7 MB
Version: 1.640.273 

It's a given that photograph editors for cell phones are extremely common. You can discover everything from proficient applications to make your photographs resemble the experts, to silly applications to put a pooch nose all over, and everything in the middle. In any case, with the InShot Editor for Android, you're likewise getting an application that permits you to effectively alter your recordings. It is difficult finding a natural, easy to use video manager. Most available have immense record estimates as well as very hard to get the hang of. With this specific application, you will find that it's in reality simple to expertly alter your video by joining, cutting, gluing, and including a huge amount of various impacts and channels to your pictures and recordings. You can even embed text, emoticons, and even add a melodic soundtrack to the recordings you're altering in the application. 

Since this application is designed generally for recordings that you would put on Instagram, which means short recordings that aren't graphically extreme, the majority of the altering choices you'll discover do fall in accordance with that long range interpersonal communication sort of look and feel. Be that as it may, there are propelled alternatives for individuals who wan to make increasingly nitty gritty and proficient alters.

It tends to be hard to track down a video altering application that has all that you need in one spot. In the event that you need to apply impacts, channels and stickers, you may need to do it in one application, at that point utilize another to trim your video and include music. Shouldn't something be said about on the off chance that you need to line together different recordings with clear canvases and photographs? You're now at three separate applications, which could mean three premium memberships to maintain a strategic distance from advertisements and watermarks. The InShot application understands that. 

InShot is a versatile photograph and video altering application for iOS and Android that is highlight rich and lets you drill down into a wide range of altering and upgrade choices. Pretty much all that you'd need to do to a video should be possible inside this one application, and there are altogether extraordinary installment choices so you can contribute so a lot or as meager as you need. 

Selasa, 16 Juni 2020

downloadgram downloadgram v1.03.72.0403

Downloadgram v1.03.72.0403
Click the button below to download

Click 2x for download

Additional Information
Package Name: instagramphotodownloader
File Size: 6.5 MB

Downloadgram is a Tools application on the Android stage.  This application has more than 1,000 downloads. the rating is 4.0 stars, you can check the subtleties beneath. 

Downloadgram is the most straightforward approach to get your preferred substance from Instagram. It's unrealistic on the off chance that you don't have your official application since it chips away at the web as well! 

We at present offer adaptation v1.03.72.0403. this is our most recent form, the most streamlined. It is appropriate for different gadgets. Download it legitimately from the Google Play Store or some other adaptation we are facilitating. additionally, you can download without enlistment and there is no compelling reason to login.

Rabu, 03 Juni 2020

Selasa, 02 Juni 2020

Download Skin Minecraft

Selasa, 19 Mei 2020

Doa Lailatul Qadar beserta Bacaan Zikirnya di Malam ke-27 Ramadhan

Doa Lailatul Qadar dan Bacaan Zikirnya Pada Malam ke-27 Ramadhan

Doa-Doa yang Dibaca pada Malam Lailatul Qadar

Diriwayatkan dari 'Aisyah bahwa dia pernah bertanya kepada Nabi Muhammad (SAW) apa yang harus dia katakan dalam permohonan jika dia bertemu malam Lailatur Qadar. Dan dia menjawab untuk mengatakan yang berikut ini:

Allahumma innaka ‘afuwwun tuhibbul ‘afwa fa’fu ‘anni’

Artinya: "Ya Allah, sesungguhnya Engkau Dzat Yang Maha Pemaaf dan Pemurah maka maafkanlah diriku."

Bacaan Dzikir Lailatul Qadar

Salam Al-Farisi telah meriwayatkan bahwa Rasulullah Muhammad SAW berkata:

"Wahai manusia! Ketika bulan agung, bulan berkah (Ramadhan) datang kepadamu, lakukan banyak dari empat tindakan ini di dalamnya. Dua tindakan yang dengannya kamu akan menyenangkan Tuhanmu dan dua tindakan yang tidak dapat kamu lakukan tanpanya. 

Adapun dua yang tolong Tuhanmu, mereka adalah kesaksian bahwa tidak ada Tuhan selain Allah dan mencari pengampunan-Nya. Adapun dua tindakan yang tidak dapat Anda lakukan tanpa, Anda harus mencari surga dari Tuhan Anda dan mencari perlindungan dari api neraka."

Berdasarkan hadits di atas, kita dapat melafalkan zikir ini berulang kali selama bulan Ramadhan:

Ash-hadu an laa ilaha illaAllah, astaghfiruAllah, nas-alu-ka-al-jannata, wa na-u'zubika mi-nan-nar (x3)

Artinya: Saya bersaksi bahwa tidak ada tuhan selain Allah dan aku mencari pengampunan dari Allah. Kami meminta surga bagi Anda dan mencari perlindungan Anda dari api neraka.

Allahum-ma in-naka 'a-fuw-wun tu-hib-bul-'af-wa fa' fu 'an-naa (x3)

Artinya: Ya Allah, Engkau Pengampun dan pengampun kasih, jadi maafkan aku.

Doa-doa Lain yang Dibaca di Malam Lailatul Qadar

Doa Memohon Ampun dan Pertolongan

Lā yukallifullāhu nafsan illā wus'ahā, lahā mā kasabat wa 'alaihā maktasabat, rabbanā lā tu`ākhiżnā in nasīnā au akhṭa`nā, rabbanā wa lā taḥmil 'alainā iṣrang kamā ḥamaltahụ 'alallażīna ming qablinā, rabbanā wa lā tuḥammilnā mā lā ṭāqata lanā bih, wa'fu 'annā, wagfir lanā, war-ḥamnā, anta maulānā fanṣurnā 'alal-qaumil-kāfirīn.

Artinya: “Ya Tuhan, janganlah Engka siksa kami karena lupa atau bersalah. Ya Tuhan, janganlah Engkau bebankan kepada kami beban yang berat sebagaimana telah Engkau bebankan kepada orang-orang sebelum kami. Ya Tuhan, janganlah Engkau pikulkan kepada kami apa yang tidak sanggup kami memikulnya. Beri maaflah kami, ampunilah kamj, dan rahmatilah kami. Engkaulah Penolong kami, maka tolonglah kami dalam mengalahkan orang-orang kafir” (QS : Al Baqarah : 286).

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SiMontok for Android - APK Download | iblockTeck

SiMontok for Android

SiMontok 2.3 for Android
Download APK(7MB)

SiMontok is one of the best Video Player Application to Watch millions of free movies and videos on Android.

Category: Free Video Players & Editors APP
Latest Version: 2.3 
Requirements: Android 4.1+